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The Importance of Purchasing CBD from the Original Farm and Fully-Integrated Small Company

With the rise of CBD and hemp products nowadays, there are SO many different places to get it.

We’ve seen the same large CBD corporations throughout the years saturate the market, but what about the smaller companies?

Are the products from many of these large corporations actually what we want?

Is there something to be said for buying from smaller companies who source their own hemp and work directly with the original farm?

Does it make a difference in product quality, the cannabis market, or consumers’ well-being?

The Risks of Purchasing from Large CBD Corporations

Many large CBD corporations are often overpriced

This is not to bash all large corporations. There are many genuine, larger companies that grew in size due to hard work. Some offer affordable prices with quality service and products.

However, it is unfortunately common to see large corporations monopolize a market. Especially with the potentials of CBD, various corporations often capitalize on the health aspect. They sometimes use consumers’ suffering and health needs in order to sell products at a higher price than necessary. This is nothing new in the business world and has happened for decades.

There are countless people paying far more than they should for CBD oils, creams, edibles, and more.

Benefits of a Smaller, Farm-integrated CBD Business

Quality Products

When we buy from small, farm-integrated CBD businesses, they pay extra attention to quality. They are involved with the manufacturing process from the very beginning. They are there to plant the seed, nourish it, help it bloom, and take care of it after it’s separated from the crop.

This means they know and care about how their products are made.

Smaller, integrated businesses often provide third-party lab results (always ask!). This means they test their products for any solvents, pesticides, molds, bacterias, or other harmful compounds that affect hemp cultivation practices.

They also often hand-trim and dry their hemp flower, instead of using machinery like many large corporations. This gentle handling of flower and attention to detail ensures the integrity of the cannabinoids, trichomes, and other plant compounds. When the flower is sifted through hefty machines, there’s a huge possibility of losing compounds – and thus, benefits – in the process.

Since they work directly with the farm sourcing their hemp, they know exactly where the hemp comes, as well as the growing, extraction, and manufacturing methods behind it. Which means we do too!

Quality customer service

Because integrated companies know where and how their hemp is sourced, they can provide reliable CBD knowledge and educational resources. It’s so helpful and less intimidating to be able to ask a company detailed questions about their products and business practices.

It’s always beneficial for everyone to know what they ingest and how it affects their body. This can be particularly helpful for those with sensitive systems, medical conditions, and other health issues. People with compromised immune systems, allergies, and other requirements need to know every detail behind the product going into their bodies.

Otherwise, if they unknowingly ingest something they could have avoided, it can harm their health and create mistrust in the hemp industry. With integrated companies, this is very easily avoidable!


When a company takes time to learn about where and how its products are created, it shows dedication. This dedication to quality, CBD and hemp knowledge, and supporting the original farm shows a dedication to both the consumer’s well-being and hemp itself.

When people believe in, understand, and trust their own products, so do we!

A more accountable, connected hemp community

Buying from integrated businesses contributes to more sustainable, hemp cultivation practices.

Sustainability is vital for both the environment and human health. It ensures we have enough water and resources. It is how to maintain access to those resources without negatively affecting our quality of life.

It’s the practice of considering the future when making decisions about the present. Without sustainability, there is no future.

The World Summit on Social Development declared three foundations of sustainable development. These include economic development, social development, and environmental protection.

What is economic development?​ Economic development gives people what they need without impacting life quality and reduces its financial burden, particularly in the developing world. Consumerism and the nature of business itself require many daily resources. For the environment’s sake, it’s imperative to be mindful of how much we consume.

Thus, companies who work with the original farm put back “in” what they take “out”. They don’t mass over-produce hemp or contribute to pollutants, which both heavily impact sustainability.

What is social development? ​Social development focuses on protecting people’s health and wellness. This includes protection against pollution and other harmful activities. It also focuses on keeping basic resources without compromising people’s quality of life.

What is environmental protection?​ Environmental protection protects ecosystems, air quality, integrity, and sustainability of our resources. It emphasizes the elements stressing the environment and how we can create a greener future.

Integrated companies committed to sustainable growing and manufacturing processes are committed to the consumers’ health and wellness, as well as the environment.

Sustainability is important especially now as the world tackles many global climate issues. They “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (the Brundtland Commission).

Integrated businesses that support sustainability prioritize both the environment and consumers’ well-being.

It supports a small business!

You’re supporting a business from the ground-up! What better way to support a company that does so much to support us and our environment?

Here at Alliance Hemp Co., we value and monitor the entire hemp cultivation and creation process from beginning to end. Our goal is to plant seeds of trust along with our high-quality hemp.

Chelsea Collins
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